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Experience Of Uzbekistan And Prospects For Development In Improving The Mechanisms Of Public Control

Usmonov Otabek Odilbek Ugli , Master Student, Department Public Administration Law, Tashkent State University Оf Law, Ministry Of Justice Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan


This article analyzes the content and essence of public control and its role, importance and necessity in the prevention of corruption, its organizational and legal basis and prospects. The legal experience of Uzbekistan in introducing strong social aspects of public control to fight against corruption has been studied. Comments were made on the development of state bodies and the mechanisms of public control in it, and grows of democratic factors. Specific suggestions and recommendations have been made on some of the problems in this area and ways to solve them.


Prevention of corruption, public control, objects and subjects of public control, forms of public control


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How to Cite

Usmonov Otabek Odilbek Ugli. (2021). Experience Of Uzbekistan And Prospects For Development In Improving The Mechanisms Of Public Control. The American Journal of Political Science Law and Criminology, 3(03), 124–129.