Legislative Practice Of Countering Illegal Lobbying In Foreign Countries
Sabirov Bahram Nizamatdinovich , Doctoral Researcher Of Karakalpak State University Named After Berdakh, UzbekistanAbstract
The article researches into fundamental approaches to legal regulation of lobbyist activity in democratic countries. Analyzing transformation of lobbying into one of the most important socio-political institutions, it reveals the role of lobbying in the democratic process of political decision-making, considering professional features, organizational structures and approaches to the regulation of lobbying activities.
It is concluded that lobbying as an institutuion takes an important place in the life of modern democratic societies. Legal regulation of lobbying activities helps to minimize risks of corruption between government bodies and civil society institutions.
Lobbying, lobbyist activity, group interests, political decision-making, democracy, interest representative, exposure to government policies, corruption risks
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