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Legal regulation of prosecutorial oversight of food safety legislation in the republic of Uzbekistan

Ulugbek Ahunov , Independent Researcher at the Academy of Law Enforcement of the Republic of Uzbekistan


This article examines the improvement of the legal foundations of prosecutorial oversight in enforcing food safety legislation in Uzbekistan, as well as international legislative practices in this area. Through a comprehensive analysis, recommendations have been developed to enhance the legal framework for ensuring effective prosecutorial oversight of food safety legislation implementation.


Food safety, rule of law, prosecutorial oversight


Vestnik of Moscow University. Series 11. Law. no. 4, 2022, pp. 39–61.

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Ulugbek Ahunov. (2025). Legal regulation of prosecutorial oversight of food safety legislation in the republic of Uzbekistan. The American Journal of Political Science Law and Criminology, 7(02), 48–55.