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Enhancing Research & Development Human Capital: A Comparative Analysis with International Examples and Implications for Vietnam

Minh Hadi , Faculty of Economics, Graduate Academy of Social Sciences, Hanoi, Vietnam


This study explores the strategies for enhancing research and development (R&D) human capital, focusing on a comparative analysis of international best practices and their implications for Vietnam. The importance of a skilled and innovative workforce in driving R&D is recognized globally as a key factor for fostering technological advancements and economic growth. Through examining successful R&D human resource models from countries such as the United States, Germany, South Korea, and Singapore, the study identifies critical elements for effective human capital development in research-intensive industries. It also highlights the challenges Vietnam faces in developing its own R&D workforce, including issues related to education, talent retention, and funding. By evaluating international experiences, this research proposes strategic recommendations tailored to Vietnam's unique socio-economic context, aiming to strengthen its R&D capabilities, foster innovation, and enhance competitiveness on the global stage. The findings offer insights into policy improvements, educational reforms, and institutional support systems required to nurture a dynamic R&D ecosystem in Vietnam.


Research and Development (R&D), Human capital development, Innovation


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How to Cite

Minh Hadi. (2025). Enhancing Research & Development Human Capital: A Comparative Analysis with International Examples and Implications for Vietnam. The American Journal of Political Science Law and Criminology, 7(02), 1–5. Retrieved from