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Millie Barnes , Lecturer in Politics & International Relations, Lancaster University, United Kingdom


This paper critically examines the rise of Islamophobia in Australia in relation to the country's retreat from multiculturalism and the shift towards a more integrationist state approach. Over the past few decades, Australia has seen significant demographic diversification, yet policy and public discourse have increasingly moved towards assimilationist ideologies that challenge the country’s traditional commitment to multiculturalism. This study explores how Islamophobic rhetoric, amplified in political and media discourse, has contributed to the state's new integrationist strategies, framing Islam and Muslims as distinct and incompatible with national values. By analyzing legislative changes, political speeches, media representations, and public attitudes, the paper reveals how Islamophobia is embedded within broader societal debates about national identity, social cohesion, and the role of immigration. This paper argues that the state's retreat from multiculturalism, coupled with the institutionalization of Islamophobia, reflects a broader global trend of increasing xenophobia and exclusion. The study also critiques the implications of these shifts on social justice, community cohesion, and the prospects for inclusive citizenship in Australia.


Australia, Islamophobia, Multiculturalism


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Millie Barnes. (2024). ISLAMOPHOBIA AND STATE INTEGRATIONISM: A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF AUSTRALIA’S MULTICULTURAL BACKLASH. The American Journal of Political Science Law and Criminology, 6(12), 6–10. Retrieved from