Maryjane Y. Oghogho , Ph.D. Student, City University, Cambodia O.M.C Osazuwa , Ph.D. Student, City University, Cambodia Opinion D. Iyamba , Ph.D. Student, City University, Cambodia Henshaw Ekeng-Ekeng , Ph.D. Student, City University, Cambodia Inyang G. John , Ph.D. Student, City University, CambodiaAbstract
With the widespread use of social media platforms, individuals have increasingly turned to these platforms to report crimes, creating an evolving landscape for law enforcement and security agencies. Social media-based crime reporting has emerged as a transformative approach to public safety, offering real-time updates, accessibility, and community engagement. This study examines how social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter promote community mobilization and real-time information sharing by applying Information Diffusion Theory (IDT) and Social Network Theory (SNT). Notable examples, such as the Aluu Four lynching, End-SARS movement, Chibok kidnapping and the 2023 presidential elections amongst other events, demonstrate how social media plays a crucial role in increasing public knowledge, coordinating group efforts, and impacting legislative reforms. However, this innovative method of reporting also brings forth several security implications that demand careful consideration. By examining the advantages and challenges of social media for crime reporting, this study aims to provide insights into how such practices can enhance security measures while mitigating potential risks. This study, therefore, explores these security concerns and strategies for enhancing the security implications of social media-based crime reporting. It discusses the potential risks of misinformation, privacy issues, tipping off perpetrators, and the inadvertent exposure of victims and witnesses. The results emphasize the importance of adopting a well-rounded strategy to utilize the capabilities of social media for reporting crimes, while also acknowledging the difficulties it presents. The study highlights the need for collaboration between law enforcement agencies, policymakers, social media platforms, and the public to develop a robust legal framework, promote responsible reporting practices, and protect evidence integrity. The study therefore recommends the use of sophisticated verification technology, the establishment of responsible reporting criteria, collaboration with social media platforms, and the implementation of strong privacy protection measures.
Social media, crime reporting, innovation diffusion theory
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Copyright (c) 2024 Maryjane Y. Oghogho, O.M.C Osazuwa, Opinion D. Iyamba, Henshaw Ekeng-Ekeng, Inyang G. John

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