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Gulnora Amanovna Ishankhanova , Tashkent State University of Law, Researcher, Uzbekistan


The article examines the problem of ensuring gender equality and protecting women from economic violence, which, being one of the forms of domestic violence, remains a serious and often underestimated problem that has a significant negative impact on victims. This article is devoted to the study of the essence of economic violence, its manifestations and consequences for victims, as well as the analysis of existing measures to prevent and counter it, including the norms of Islam on the protection of women from economic violence. The theoretical aspects of economic violence are considered, including its definition, forms and mechanisms. Economic violence includes control over the financial resources of the victim, restriction of her access to economic resources, prohibition of labor activity and education, as well as coercion to conclude financially disadvantageous deals. The conclusion emphasizes the need for a comprehensive approach to the prevention of economic violence, including legislative, social and educational measures. The author of the article offers recommendations for improving existing measures and introducing new initiatives aimed at protecting victims and preventing economic violence in families.


Economic violence, domestic violence, financial independence


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Gulnora Amanovna Ishankhanova. (2024). PREVENTION OF ECONOMIC VIOLENCE AS A FORM OF FAMILY VIOLENCE: THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL MEASURES. The American Journal of Political Science Law and Criminology, 6(08), 24–29.