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Andrew Baard , Department of Politics and International Studies, Rhodes University, South Africa


This study explores the intricate relationship between responsible administration and protected execution within the African context, examining their combined impact on sustainable development and governance. Responsible administration refers to the ethical and accountable management of resources, policies, and institutions, while protected execution emphasizes the safeguarding of these processes to ensure they are carried out effectively and securely. By analyzing case studies from various African nations, this research identifies key factors that influence the successful integration of these two concepts. The findings suggest that the synergy between responsible administration and protected execution not only enhances governmental transparency and accountability but also fosters socio-economic stability and growth. Moreover, this study highlights the challenges faced by African countries in achieving this integration, including political instability, corruption, and inadequate infrastructure. Recommendations are provided for policymakers and stakeholders to strengthen governance frameworks, promote ethical leadership, and implement robust protection mechanisms. Ultimately, this research underscores the vital role of responsible administration and protected execution in advancing Africa's development agenda and ensuring a prosperous and equitable future for its citizens.



Responsible Administration, Protected Execution, Governance


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Andrew Baard. (2024). THE NEXUS OF RESPONSIBLE ADMINISTRATION AND PROTECTED EXECUTION IN AFRICA. The American Journal of Political Science Law and Criminology, 6(08), 1–6. Retrieved from