Ikromov Anvar Ashurovich , Independent Researcher Of Tashkent State University Of Law, UzbekistanAbstract
In this article, the author covered the concept, system, specific aspects general of penalties not related to imprisonment according to the criminal legislation of Uzbekistan. The author notes that the system of non-parole-related penalties continues to develop all over the world at the present time. Among them, fines, public works (including correctional work) are especially widely used. It should be noted that the task of developing a system of punishments in which criminal law is not associated with deprivation of Liberty is of urgent importance for Uzbekistan, which is constantly reforming the judicial system. As the main directions of the criminal justice policy implemented in Uzbekistan, the revision of types of crimes according to the level of social danger, the transfer of many serious or extreme crimes established in the criminal law into a category of crimes of greater social risk and less severe severity, the relaxation of the conditions for applying criminal liability measures to persons who first committed, it can be seen in expanding the scope and capabilities of the basis for the application of types of punishment that are not related to the separation of the convicted from society, in improving the procedure for the enforcement of these criminal justice measures.
penalty, non-parole-related penalties technologies, reforming the judicial system
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