Karimova Madina Mirzadjanovna , Teacher Of Academic Lyceum Under TSUL, UzbekistanAbstract
This scientific article discusses the development of notaries in the context of digital office work. Along with this, the issues of personnel training and advanced training in the use of modern digital technologies in notarial practice are separately emphasized. The relevance of the study lies in the intensive development of digital technologies and the need to ensure the optimality and speed of the notarial process. The purpose of the study is determined by modern trends in the development of digital document management and digital civil circulation, and is to reveal the key questions posed in a scientific article. The result of the study is conclusions formulated on the basis of a theoretical and legal review of relevant research questions about digital office work in notarial practice. In general, the study allows us to state the need to continue regulatory and law-making work in the field of notaries in the direction of improving its technological foundations and digital office work. In turn, improving the practice of developing digital office work is possible through continuous training of notaries and workers in the notary system.
Notary, office work, digital document management
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