Odilov Muhammadrashodkhon Sarvarjon Ugli , Independent Researcher Of Law Enforcement Academy Of The Republic Of UzbekistanAbstract
In a historically short period, the country has formed the institutional and legal framework for ensuring law and order, and an effective national anti-corruption system has been created. During the implementation of reforms in this direction, special attention was paid to the issue of incorporation of internationally recognized norms into national legislation. In the current legislation, there are problems such as the lack of regulatory definitions of a number of concepts related to corruption crimes, as well as the fact that corruption acts are not sufficiently covered by criminal law, which is an obstacle to achieving the intended result. combating corruption and further improving Uzbekistan’s position in international rankings in this regard. This article analyzes the interpretation of the concept of bribery as a form of corruption in our national legislation and the attitude of scientists to this concept.
Corruption, fight against corruption, international rating
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