Adkhamov Anwar Adkhamovich , Academy Independent Scout, Law Enforcement Of The Republic Of UzbekistanAbstract
The development of market relations in our country, the rapid development of the processes of democratization of society presupposes the creation of a legal system aimed at reliably protecting the rights and legitimate interests of the individual. After all, in accordance with the second part of Article 13 of the new Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, democracy in the Republic of Uzbekistan is based on universal principles, according to which a person, his life, freedom, honor, dignity and other integral rights are of high value. This constitutional norm itself indicates that the issue of protecting the rights of citizens is of urgent importance. It is from the important rights of citizens enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan that the recovery of moral damage, a relatively new civil-legal tool for protecting the personal and non-personal rights of citizens, is considered.
Moral damage, norms regarding, our independence
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