Makhmudova Shakhrizoda Abrorovna , Executive Secretary Of The Ministry Of Justice Of The Republic Of UzbekistanAbstract
The article analyzes the international legal aspects of the search and return of illegally exported or stolen assets. When analyzing this topic, attention is paid, first of all, to the processes and methods of asset recovery, thereby studying the international experience of states and organizations in countering money laundering, attaching importance to the role of the international regulatory framework on this issue, for example, the UN Convention Against Corruption. Also, the issues of trends in the search and repatriation of illegally exported assets and legal regulation in the Republic of Uzbekistan were considered. In addition, the article provides international statistics on the volume of bribes received annually by officials in developing countries and countries with economies in transition. The main purpose of the article is to reveal the legal essence of the international legal aspects of the search and repatriation of illegally exported assets. Based on the research done, a legal conclusion was made on the scientific topic of the article.
International cooperation, anti-money laundering mechanism, international experience
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