Rajesh Shukla , Associate Professor (Law), Himachal Pradesh National Law University, Shimla, IndiaAbstract
Hate crimes pose a significant societal challenge, targeting individuals based on their race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or other protected characteristics. The conventional penal policy approach often relies on punitive measures, such as increased sentences and harsher penalties, to address hate crimes. However, there is growing evidence and discourse suggesting that alternative approaches may be more effective in preventing hate crimes and promoting societal healing. This paper argues for the reconsideration of penal policy concerning hate crimes and advocates for alternative approaches that focus on restorative justice, education, community engagement, and rehabilitation. By exploring these alternative strategies, this study aims to stimulate a broader discussion on penal policy reform and encourage the adoption of more holistic and effective approaches to addressing hate crimes.
Hate crimes, penal policy, alternative approaches
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