Ni Made Aaera , Stahn Gde Pudja Mataram, Mataran, IndonesiaAbstract
The purpose of this article was to learn about and comprehend swadharma grihastha asrama, which is about teaching children about Hindu families. Information assortment strategies were perception, library studies, and top to bottom talked with. Lombok Regency was the location of this study. This study found that Hindu parents in Lombok have not used Hinduism's teachings about Sarasamuscaya and Nitisastra to their full potential. Economic factors demonstrate a lack of awareness of the significance of education. Because the parents were unable to meet the children's material needs, such as adequate food, housing, and learning facilities, as well as the use of non-formal educational institutions, such as courses and tutoring.
Educating children, course dorm at grihasta, swadharma; tutoring
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Surabaya: Prenada Media Groupa Cipta.
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