Bekzod Umarov , Senior Lecturer Department Of Business Law Tsul, UzbekistanAbstract
This article analyzes the role of decentralization in the modernization of public administration, the essence of the concept of decentralization of public administration, the principles of decentralization of public administration, methods of influencing public administration, the method of govarnance, the form of organization of public administration, as well as the transfer of a certain amount of authority, the principle of decentralization of public administration.
In addition, the ultimate goal of the redistribution of public administration functions is important as the principle of decentralized public administration, which serves to create the opportunity to make optimal governance decisions based on the common interests of the population, the balance of interests at the state , regional (regional) and local levels. The article considers the possibility of self-government at the level of local administrative-territorial units, as well as the formation of the institution of decentralization.
Decentralization, modernization, of public administration
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