Turaev Sardor Abdukhakim Ugli , Doctoral Student Of Tashkent State University Of Law, UzbekistanAbstract
The article highlights issues related to the concept of crimes committed by the author using the Internet, and their characteristics. It also analyzes the criminalization of socially dangerous acts related to the illegal use of information technologies, the need for deep study and effective use of foreign experience in combating these crimes and their prevention, implementation of international law, further improvement of national legislation. In addition, the author lists the features of the development of information and communication means of this type of crime, such as the creation of an animated version of real life - the virtual world, the relative ease of committing crimes in the virtual world. The author tried to distinguish this type of crime from other crimes, using his views and theoretical sources. In turn, the author points out that the number of crimes committed using the Internet is growing rapidly both in quantity and quality, and, accordingly, the need for constant improvement of the legal framework to combat these crimes, and the author also discussed the views of various researchers on this area.
Information technologies, digital economy, computer crimes, virtual world
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