Priorities Of Providing The Economic Basis Of Sovereignty
Shavkat Gaybullaevich Asadov , DSc (Law), Professor Of Department Of "Department Legal Basis Of Public Administration And Structure" Of The Academy Of Public Administration Under The President Of The Republic Of UzbekistanAbstract
The economic sovereignty of the state means that the people are free to manage their national wealth, to freely determine the ways of using their natural resources for the purposes of economic and social development. At the same time, "the economic sovereignty of the state is a set of formalized rights to make decisions independently within the powers in the economic sphere" [1, 16]. It means exercising absolute control over its natural resources and taking internal control of the activities of any enterprise in all sectors of the economy. Uzbek economist M.N. Yusupova [2, 7-9] argues that the basis of economic sovereignty is not material resources and wealth, but labor resources, which is an important factor in the national awakening.
Uzbek economist, system of society,, globalization
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