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Characteristics Of Providing Legal Services To Business Entities By Legal Consultancy Organisations

Nurumov Dilshodbek Djumabaevich , Senior Lecturer Of Department Juridical, Law Enforcement Agencies And Advocacy Of Tashkent State University Of Law, Uzbekistan


This article highlights certain aspects of the provision of legal services to business entities by legal consulting organizations in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The author notes that in addition to lawyers, legal consulting structures are also involved in the provision of legal services. Also, the views of Uzbek and foreign researchers and scientists on the positive and negative aspects of competition in the legal services market are analyzed. In particular, established that at the moment there is no single procedure for the provision of legal services to business entities, in this regard, the problems existing in practice and in the doctrine have been considered in detail. The author comes to the conclusion that in order to improve the quality of the provision of legal services by lawyers and other structures, in particular, to establish their professional ethics, civil liability and uniform standards for the provision of services, a special law should be adopted.


Legal services, organization of legal consulting, lawyer


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Nurumov Dilshodbek Djumabaevich. (2021). Characteristics Of Providing Legal Services To Business Entities By Legal Consultancy Organisations. The American Journal of Political Science Law and Criminology, 3(7), 27–34. Retrieved from