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Family-Legal Methods Of Protecting The Rights Of Children When Their Parents Involve Them In Begging In The Republic Of Uzbekistan

Dinara Babajanova , PhD In Law, Tashkent State University Of Law, Uzbekistan


This article discusses the issues of parents who involve their minor children in such types of antisocial behavior as begging. The author analyzes the terminology, the reasons for the occurrence of such a negative phenomenon, the existing legislative norms which provide for administrative and criminal liability, the ineffectiveness of these norms in resolving the issue of punishing such parents. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to study each specific case of parents involving their children in begging and providing appropriate assistance to the family.


Minor children, antisocial behavior, begging


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Dinara Babajanova. (2021). Family-Legal Methods Of Protecting The Rights Of Children When Their Parents Involve Them In Begging In The Republic Of Uzbekistan. The American Journal of Political Science Law and Criminology, 3(7), 14–18. Retrieved from