Legal Policy Of Uzbekistan In The Field Of Migration
Sakhipjamal Djalgasovna Djoldasova , Doctor Of Philosophy (PhD) In Law, Assistant Professor, Independent Researcher Of The Academy Of The Ministry Of Internal Affairs Of The Republic Of UzbekistanAbstract
Migration is a multidimensional process, and different countries face different regulatory challenges with regard to migration. The legal policy of the state in the sphere of migration is established under the influence of one or more factors. Adoption of legal norms in legislation, such as the imposition of prohibitions or granting benefits for migrants, providing incentives or imposing limits for specific groups of people is to be noted in particular. The establishment of the regulatory framework in this area is based on state policy in the sphere of migration. The regulationof migration in Uzbekistan today differs significantly from that in the early days of our independence. The article analyses the implemented reforms in the field of migration by direction in the framework of the Action Strategy for the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, identifies relevant problems and proposes solutions.
Migration, Migration Policy, Passport System
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