The Right Of A Husband (Wife) To Inherit At The Factual Dissolution Of Marriage
Yusupova Oysha Matnazarova , PhD Student Of Tashkent State University Of Law, UzbekistanAbstract
In many foreign countries today, the development trends of marriage and family show that along with the officially strengthened relationship between husband and wife, the factual relationship is also becoming more important. This in turn affects the couple’s right to inherit. The rapidly evolving processes of interstate integration and globalization make it necessary to improve the inheritance rights of couples in the law of succession, which is relatively conservative in nature. The aim of this research is to improve the existing inheritance law of the Republic of Uzbekistan by defining the criteria for declaring a marriage relationship between the spouses in practice and studying the scope of the spouses' legal rights to inherit in the event of the actual dissolution of the marriage. To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been identified: to clarify the status of the couple, to analyze the actual dissolution of the marriage as an obstacle to the exercise of the right of inheritance, development of proposals to improve national legislation on the rights of spouses to inheritance through the study of foreign experience.
Legal succession, spouse (widow)
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