The System Of Employing Migrant Workers In Uzbekistan Through Private Employment Agencies: An Analysis Of Existing Problems
Bekzod Musaev , Researcher At Tashkent State University Of Law, PhD, UzbekistanAbstract
The consequences and reasons of the activities of private employment agencies in regulation of migration in the context of demographic, environmental, social and general legal approaches in society are studied in this article. Migrants who left Uzbekistan to work abroad for twenty-five years, their geography and its main reasons are analyzed. In the last two years, permission for private employment agencies in Uzbekistan to carry out their activities, their activity of sending migrants abroad has been based on insufficient legal and economic protection of migrants. At the same time, various specialists, skilled workers and simply passionate people (creators of their own destiny) left their homeland for political or economic reasons. Some of them leave to earn money temporarily and some leave to live in a new place. As a result, these individuals tried to find their place in another society. The activities of private employment agencies and the reasons for emigration from Uzbekistan show that only through concrete economic and legal measures Uzbekistan can protect its citizens from human trafficking and fraud.
Private employment agency, migration policy, temporary work agency
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xxv.;;; and in other websites, you can become acquainted with the activities of these private employment agencies.
xxvi. To find out the 100 best companies in recruitment activities, visit the website below:
xxvii. The full text of the report is available on this website:
xxviii. Musaev, B. (2017) "The importance and pecularity of legal regimes applying to the subjects of labour relations in international private law," Review of law sciences: Vol. 1, Article 16. Available at:; Musaev, Bekzod T. "Collision principles in labor relations complicated by a foreign element: experience of Uzbekistan and foreign countries." European Reforms Bulletin 2015 (2015): 128.
xxix. National database of legislation, 17.10.2018, No. 03/18/501/2056
xxx. To become acquainted with the process of discussion of the draft law, you can refer to the following Internet sources:;;;;;
xxxi. National database of legislation, 17.10.2018, No. 03/18/501/2056
xxxii. See details: National Bureau of Economic Research: What fundamentals drive world migration? / By T.J. Hatton, J.G. Williamson. NBER Working Paper 9159 (Cambridge, MA, Sep. 2002). P. 3.
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