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Anastasiia Chystiukhina , Entrepreneur, business owner Founder & CEO, Just Right: Cakes, Coffee, Gifts Wausau, WI, USA


The purpose of this article is to determine the essence and theoretical features of marketing and branding in the confectionery and cafe industry, as well as the challenges associated with marketing activities in these establishments.

The main research methods used in the article include induction, synthesis, analysis, comparison, and generalization.

The specific features of marketing activities in confectioneries and cafes have been identified. The impact of marketing efforts on service delivery in these establishments has been studied. Key problems arising from marketing activities and brand promotion in confectioneries and cafes have been identified. Various tools used in marketing efforts within this industry, which constitute the marketing mix or marketing complex, have been explored. The peculiarities of developing a marketing plan for confectioneries and cafes using the “5R+1C” integrated marketing model, and elements of the marketing mix specific to the food industry, are discussed. The ecosystem of the internet marketing strategy for confectioneries and cafes is outlined. The necessity for increasing social media activity (SMM) and enhancing market recognition, as well as developing a user-friendly website with online table reservations and sweet order functionalities, has been emphasized. Directions for optimizing the digital strategy effectiveness for confectioneries and cafes, focused on improving brand recognition among target audiences, are proposed. Factors influencing the selection of Google’s contextual media network for the promotion of confectioneries and cafes are outlined. The required changes for social media pages and websites to enhance brand promotion are discussed. International experiences regarding the efficacy of business tools in the food industry, incorporating marketing concepts, are also explored. The main idea of advertising campaigns, centered around creating favorable conditions for customer purchases and replicating the brand’s style in every part of the establishment, is reviewed. The specifics of consumer loyalty, shaped by the brand’s appearance, communication, establishment design, and available offerings, are also examined.

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confectionery, cafe, marketing, advertising


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Chystiukhina, A. . (2024). PECULIARITIES OF MARKETING AND BRANDING IN THE CONFECTIONERY AND CAFE INDUSTRY. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 6(10), 28–35.