Ermatova A.A. , Phd., Associate Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan Kasimov Sh.I. , Phd., Associate Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan Abdushukurova X.K. , Senior Teacher Of The Department Of Chemistry, Uzbekistan Lapasova F.A. , Senior Teacher Of The Department Of Chemistry, Uzbekistan Yusupov B.A. , Senior Teacher Of The Department Of Chemistry, Uzbekistan Ismoilova.Sh.S. , The Teagher Of Chemistry At Gulistan City Specialized Boarding School №1. , UzbekistanAbstract
Today, the spread of toxic metals, which are considered anthropogenic pollution, causes a significant increase in environmental problems. Controlling the amount of heavy and toxic metals in the environment is an important ecological-analytical task.
Toxic metals, lead ions, immobilized carriers
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Ermatova A.O.,Bobomurodova M.S.,Smanova Z.A.,Gafurova D.,Shahidova D. Development of Sorption-spectroscopic Method for the Determination of LeadIons by Immobilized SulfarsarzenAnnals of R.S.C.B. Received16 Februar 2021;Accepted 08 March 2021Pages.846-848
Ermatova A.O., Smanova Z.A.,Абдурахманова У.К.,Лапасова Ф.А.,Эгамқулова Х.А. Рaзрaбoткa сoрбциoннo-спекрoскoпическoгo метoдов в результате иммобилизации ионов цинка из сточных вод в объектах окружающей среды “Универсиум” 2022 №2 6-11 бет.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ermatova A.A., Kasimov Sh.I., Abdushukurova X.K., Lapasova F.A., Yusupov B.A., Ismoilova.Sh.S.

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