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Raghupathi Venkataratnam Naidu , Department Of Anatomy, Maharajah‘S Institute Of Medical Sciences, Nellimarla, India


The current review has been taken as the piece of the undertaking to survey the histogenesis of thyroid organ in personage embryos of Indian beginning. Up to this point the material accessible in the writing isn't from India. Embryos of gestational age went from 11 weeks to 40 weeks have been acquired from nearby clinics. All the embryos have been exposed to the convention of analyzation, handling and staining techniques currently in aforesence. The H&E-stained slides were examined under light microscopy.


Endodermal cells, follicle,, colloid.


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Raghupathi Venkataratnam Naidu. (2023). AFORE ENDEMIC EVOLUTION OF PERSONAGE THYROID SECRETORY ORGAN. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 5(03), 1–3.