The National Intelligentsia Of The Late XIX - Early XX Centuries: On The Work Of Is’hakhon Ibrat "Historical Culture"
Vohidova Komila Abdullozizovna , Associate Professor, Department Of Social Sciences, Namangan Institute Of Engineering And Technology, Namangan, UzbekistanAbstract
The study and compilation of written sources are important when studying the problems of the sociopolitical, economic, spiritual and cultural life of our people in the past and enriching the research
power. Today, the study of sources in many collections of manuscripts is the centre of attention of
historians and researchers. The manuscript "Historical Culture" by Is’hakhon Junaidullohhoja oglu
Ibrat (1862-1937), reflecting the requirements of historical development, as important as the spiritual
heritage of the first 30s of the twentieth century [1]. The performance touches on the problems of
culture, analyses its future development and reflects the real situation in Turkestan in this area. During
this period, priority will be given to the most relevant issues of science, education and education,
education and new schools, schools for girls, higher education institutions and their benefits for the
Compulsory education, Culture
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