«The Muslim Brotherhood» Religious And Political Organization: Past And Present
Komiljon Shermukhamedov , Researcher, International Islamic Academy of UzbekistanAbstract
The experts supposed the increase of the religious factor throughout the world in the beginning of
the 21st century. According to the various sources the roots of the religious extremism and terrorism
date back to the remote past. It is fact that the Kharijites, the religious and political sect which was
appeared in 657, have declared themselves as true Muslims while claimed that those who had not
agreed with them were apostates and struggled against them. But it is well worth emphasizing that
they have never threatened the social stability and progress as much as today. Because, in our days,
the religious extremism and terrorism has a global nature and it threatens all countries and regions of
the world equally. Especially, it is not secret that “The Arab Spring” conflicts which have occurred in
the Middle East countries were carried out in the guise of the religion by the powers and these powers
have used the extremist and terrorist group to reach their goals.
The study of the activities of “The Muslim Brotherhood” which was appeared in the city of Ismailia of
Egypt, 1928 allows us to understand the true essence of the religious extremism.
The suppositions given in the abstract allow us to conclude that, on the one side, the extremist ideas
in the guise of Islam which have developed for a long time were entirely used in the views of Hasan alBanna, Sayyid Qutb and their followers, on the other, “The Muslim Brotherhood” has developed and
systematized the organizing systems and methods of all sects and organizations before them in their
own practice. It is fact that the scientific and critical study of the activity methods and ideological bases
of this organization is important in the research of the true essence of the modern extremism.
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