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Photosynthetic Apparatus Of Cotton Leaf: Activity Under Harmful Factors And Inductors

Veselovsky V.A., Veselova T.V. (1990) Luminescence of plants. – Moscow. Nauka. – p. 176. 2. Kimsanbaev Kh.Kh., Zakhidov FM, Kadyrov A. (1997) Whiteflies and their entomophages. Tashkent: Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources. – p. 43. 3. Korne , Candidate Of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department Of Fundamentals Of Physiology And Valeology Namangan State University, Uzbekistan
Azamat Moydinjanovich Ismatov , Doctor Of Philosophy In Biological Sciences, Department Of Ecology, Namangan State University, Uzbekistan


The article deals with the effect of a typical representative of sucking pests on the photosynthetic
apparatus of the plant - the mite, and the effectiveness of measuring photosynthetic activity using a
highly sensitive fluorescent method. Alternatively, photosynthetic apparatus activity was measured
using the fluorescent method, and it was used to assess the degree of pest infestation of the plant,
especially mites, and to determine the plant’s resistance after red light treatment. When damaged by
mites, the long-wave native forms of cotton chlorophyll are disrupted and the electron-transport
chain of the photosynthetic apparatus is blocked. As a result of QN treatment of seeds, the
distribution of algae in plants decreases, while the activity of photosynthetic apparatus, on the
contrary, increases. This means that phyto-chrome photo conversion has a specific effect on the
photosynthetic apparatus.


Photosynthesis,, fluorescent method,


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Veselovsky V.A., Veselova T.V. (1990) Luminescence of plants. – Moscow. Nauka. – p. 176. 2. Kimsanbaev Kh.Kh., Zakhidov FM, Kadyrov A. (1997) Whiteflies and their entomophages. Tashkent: Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources. – p. 43. 3. Korne, & Azamat Moydinjanovich Ismatov. (2020). Photosynthetic Apparatus Of Cotton Leaf: Activity Under Harmful Factors And Inductors. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 2(08), 45–54.