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Prospects For The Development Of A Tourist Route "Safed Broth Or Horn Jarir"

Ravshanjon Baxritdinovich Ismoilov , Candidate Of Economic Sciences, Namangan Institute Of Engineering And Technology, Namangan, Republic Of Uzbekistan
Baxtiyarjon Bulturbayevich Mullabayev , Doctor Of Philosophy In Economics (Phd), Namangan Engineering Construction Institute,Namangan, Republic Of Uzbekistan
Zuhrali Tursunalievich Abdulxakimov , Senior Lecturer, Namangan Institute Of Engineering And Technology, Uzbekistan


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Ravshanjon Baxritdinovich Ismoilov, Baxtiyarjon Bulturbayevich Mullabayev, & Zuhrali Tursunalievich Abdulxakimov. (2020). Prospects For The Development Of A Tourist Route "Safed Broth Or Horn Jarir" . The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 2(08), 38–44.