The Use Of Information And Communication Technologies In Mathematics Lessons
Toshpulatova Mamurakhon , PhD, Researcher, Tashkent State Pedagogical University, UzbekistanAbstract
The process of informatization, which has embraced all aspects of the life of modern society today, has several priority areas, which, of course, should include the informatization of education. It is the fundamental principle of the global rationalization of human intellectual activity through the use of information and communication technologies (hereinafter ICT).
The ultimate goals of informatization of education are to provide a qualitatively new model for training future members of the information society, for whom active mastery of knowledge, flexible changes in their functions in work, the ability for human communication, creative thinking and planetary consciousness will become a vital necessity. Such a profound influence on learning goals is based on the potential of the computer as a means of cognitive and research activities, a means of providing a personality-oriented approach to learning, contributing to the development of individual abilities of students in both the humanities and the exact sciences.
Education, communication
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