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Improving The Financial Security System Of Commercial Banks

Giyosiddin Abdullayevich Safarov , PhD, Associate Professor Department Of Economics, Tashkent Institute Of Finance, Uzbekistan
Samandar Sherzod Oglu Raimberdiyev , Student Tashkent Financial Institute, Uzbekistan


The article examines the nature of financial security of commercial banks, the methodological framework and conditions of its provision. Scientific proposals and practical recommendations on the areas of financial security of commercial banks have been formed through a systematic approach to the factors affecting the financial security of commercial banks.


Financial security, financial stability, financial resource, level of capitalization, investment potential


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Safarov, G. A. ., & Raimberdiyev, S. S. O. . (2021). Improving The Financial Security System Of Commercial Banks. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 3(02), 51–56.