Conditions And Factors Of Increasing Investment Attraction In The Republic Of Uzbekistan
Dilafruz Sabitkhanovna Nasirkhodjaeva , Professor Tashkent State University Of Economics, Uzbekistan Bekhzodkhon Ulug’bek O’g’li Akbarov , 2nd Year Student Of The Master’s Degree Tashkent State University Of Economics, UzbekistanAbstract
The article examines the processes associated with the conditions and factors of increasing investment attractiveness. The existing problems and shortcomings in this regard are presented on a systematic basis. Scientific proposals and practical recommendations aimed at overcoming the problems and shortcomings of this process have been formed.
Investment attractiveness, investment activity, foreign capital, investment environment, innovation capacity, investment efficiency, investment risk, investment diversification
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Copyright (c) 2021 Dilafruz Sabitkhanovna Nasirkhodjaeva , Bekhzodkhon Ulug’bek O’g’li Akbarov

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