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History Of Development Of Cultural, Scientific And Technical Relations Between Uzbekistan And South Korea

Abduvalieva Tursunoy , Student , Foreign Language And Literature Ferghana State University, Uzbekistan


Objective and objective coverage of cultural, scientific and technical relations of Uzbekistan with South Korea in the post-independence years.  Processes of bilateral scientific and cultural cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Korea.  Cooperation with research institutions and universities.


Scientific and technical, higher education, cooperation, bilateral cooperation, KOICA, Atomic Energy, sister city, Seoul, historical, artistic, archeological, institute


The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. - Tashkent: Uzbekistan, 2011.

People's speech 1997. September 4

Tashkent evening September 5, 1998

People's speech 1994 28 May.

Kirgizbaev.A.K International cooperation of the Republic of Uzbekistan with Asian countries. Dissertation for doctoral degree T .: 2004 (Alisher Navoi National Library of Uzbekistan) B-245

Usmanov K. History of Uzbekistan. T .: 2012 Teacher B-222

From the website of the Bureau of Service for the Diplomatic Corps under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Article is published on November 29, 2017.

Narzulla Jorayev, Akbar Zamonov History of Uzbekistan (Independence period) T:2018Gafur Gulom Tashkent - 2018

1 People's Speech 1997. 4 September

1 Tashkent evening 1998 5 September

2 People's speech 1994 28 May

3 People's Speech 1997. 4 September

1 Kirgizbaev.A.K International cooperation of the Republic of Uzbekistan with Asian countries. Dissertation for doctoral degree T .: 2004 (Alisher Navoi National Library of Uzbekistan) B-245

2 Same source B -245

1 Kirgizbaev.A.K International cooperation of the Republic of Uzbekistan with Asian countries. Dissertation for doctoral degree T .: 2004 (Alishur Navoi National Library of Uzbekistan) B-245

2 Same source B -245

1 Usmanov K. History of Uzbekistan. T .: 2012 Teacher B-222

2 Kirgizbaev.A.K International cooperation of the Republic of Uzbekistan with Asian countries. Dissertation for a doctoral degree T .: 2004 (A. Navoi National Library of Uzbekistan) B-293

1 People's speech 2002. January 30.

1 From the website of the Diplomatic Corps Service Bureau under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Article is published on November 29, 2017

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How to Cite

Tursunoy , A. . (2021). History Of Development Of Cultural, Scientific And Technical Relations Between Uzbekistan And South Korea. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 3(02), 28–32.