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Theatre And The Stage As Educational And Enlightenment Establishment

Nurillo Qosim Ogli Eminov , Teacher, Department Of “Vocal”, Uzbek State Institute Of Art And Culture, Uzbekistan


In every society the question of creating an image of a hero who embodied the sorrows and joys of the people has always been one of the most important problems. One can notice that the performances which are based on educational upbringing in the repertoires of Uzbek theatre art are becoming rare day by day.

The present article represents detailed information about how to solve positively those problems.  The author focused on such weak plays that are being staged on the theatre stages nowadays.


Shape, commitment, various methods, “Taqdir” (“Faith”), “Tuzoq” (“Trap”, “Alpomishning qaytishi” (“Alpomish’s returning”), word, music, dance choir, set design, directing


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How to Cite

Eminov , N. Q. O. . (2021). Theatre And The Stage As Educational And Enlightenment Establishment. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 3(02), 16–20.