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Transition To International Financial Reporting Standards In Developing Countries: Possibilities And Analysis Of Implementation

Samiddin Tashnazarov , Samarkand Institute Of Economics And Service, Uzbekistan


This article highlights the importance of IFRSs in developing countries, including Uzbekistan , based on the urgency of the transition to International Financial Reporting Standards ( IFRSs ) , and the factors that determine its necessity and potential . The most important one of the possibilities, the companies x International stock markets , currency exchange, capital markets and other markets in the world for the International Financial Reporting Standards , or GAAP financial reporting, and to provide in that country. The research work of the transition to IFRS to ensure the quality of the work must be done , the application of IFRS for the first time or before the transformation of the financial report based on national standards, environmental conditions, and production of composition and its contents were revealed .


International Financial Reporting Standards, Financial Reporting, Financial Report Transformation


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Samiddin Tashnazarov. (2021). Transition To International Financial Reporting Standards In Developing Countries: Possibilities And Analysis Of Implementation. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 3(05), 135–141.