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On-set editing as a modern technology for real-time video editing

Konstantin Kochubei , Independent researcher, Los Angeles, USA


The article examines the use of on-set editing as a modern technology for real-time video editing. Current trends in video production demand fast yet high-quality processing of footage directly on set, driven by the increasing volume of content, significant acceleration of production workflows, and the growing need for adaptability. The relevance of this topic is supported by advancements in automated editing technologies, improvements in video processing algorithms, and an increased focus on the importance of pre-editing preparation. However, contradictions are observed in scientific publications and online reviews between algorithmic approaches aimed at automation and traditional theoretical concepts that emphasize narrative logic and artistic editing principles.

The objective of this study is to analyze the specific features and nuances of on-set editing as a tool for real-time editing, considering its technical implementation, creative potential, and organizational-production aspects. The study identifies key advantages, including the acceleration of post-production, cost reduction in material reprocessing, and improved coordination between the production and editing teams.

The findings will be useful for researchers in digital filmmaking as well as industry professionals, including directors, editors, cinematographers, producers, and technical specialists involved in integrating editing solutions into the filming process.


Algorithms, automation, video production


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How to Cite

Konstantin Kochubei. (2025). On-set editing as a modern technology for real-time video editing. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 7(03), 6–12.