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Evaluating Shading Techniques for Optimizing Thermal Performance in Dormitories in Hot Climates

Mustafa Agha , Department of Architecture, Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Architecture Famagusta, North Cyprus, Via Mersin, Turkey


The increasing demand for energy-efficient building designs in hot climates has led to the exploration of various passive cooling strategies. One of the most effective methods to improve the thermal performance of dormitories in such regions is the application of shading techniques. This study evaluates the impact of different shading methods, including overhangs, external shading devices, vegetation, and reflective materials, on the indoor thermal environment of dormitories located in hot climates. Using a combination of field measurements, simulations, and thermal comfort assessments, the research investigates how various shading techniques influence key factors such as indoor temperature, air circulation, and energy consumption. The findings suggest that the implementation of well-designed shading strategies can significantly reduce indoor temperatures, enhance thermal comfort, and minimize energy use for cooling. Among the shading methods tested, external shading devices and vegetation provided the most significant improvement in thermal performance, demonstrating their potential for enhancing dormitory conditions in hot climates. This study emphasizes the importance of integrating passive cooling solutions, particularly shading, in dormitory design to ensure a comfortable and sustainable living environment for residents.


Shading Techniques, Thermal Performance, Dormitories


URL16: Sunshine, Famagusta,Cyprus, (Used on 09/02/2017)

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ICCAUA2018 Conference Proceedings, Anglo-American Publications LLC window.

Software’s: Autodesk Revit 2017,Autodesk Revit Insight, Ecotect 2011.

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Mustafa Agha. (2025). Evaluating Shading Techniques for Optimizing Thermal Performance in Dormitories in Hot Climates. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 7(02), 1–6. Retrieved from