Ayodele P. Olowonihi , PhD Student City University, Cambodia Dr. M. O. Musa , Department of Cybersecurity, Faculty of Computing, University of Port Harcourt, NigeriaAbstract
The Nigerian intelligence sector faces institutional limitations that hinder the successful implementation of intelligence collecting, which is widely acknowledged as a crucial tool in tackling these issues. This paper provides a thorough evaluation of the function of intelligence gathering within Nigeria's national security framework, analysing its effectiveness in dealing with current security challenges. This study seeks to offer a thorough examination of the intelligence cycle in the Nigerian setting, including the gathering, analysis, and use of intelligence in national security strategy. The research used a mixed-methods methodology, combining quantitative data obtained from a questionnaire with qualitative insights obtained from an empirical literature analysis. The Network Theory (TNT) functions as the conceptual framework, providing a perspective to examine the intricate connections and transmission of information within the intelligence network. Statistical analysis is conducted on the questionnaire results using descriptive and inferential methods, while the findings of the literature review are consolidated to offer context and depth. The study results highlight a significant dependence on Human Intelligence (HUMINT) and source intelligence (OSINT) in Nigeria, with a lack of implementation of Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) and a disregard for Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT). Furthermore, the investigation exposes inadequate levels of trust and collaboration between intelligence agencies and other security organizations. The major obstacles mentioned are insufficient financial resources, insufficient training and knowledge, technical constraints, competition among different agencies, and legal and bureaucratic restrictions. The research findings indicate that although intelligence gathering is of utmost importance for Nigeria's national security, its efficacy is hindered by structural and operational obstacles. personnel growth and comprehensive strategy to improve intelligence capabilities, which involves bolstering inter- agency collaboration, allocating resources to technical progress and skilled personnel growth, and creating a strong legal and ethical structure.
Intelligence gathering, National Security, HUMINT
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