Mathematical Modeling Of Moisture Properties Of Terry Tissue
Qosimov Axtam Akramovich , Senior Lecturer, Department Of “Metrology, Standardization And Quality Management”, Namangan Institute Of Engineering And Technology, Namangan, Uzbekistan Abdullayev Ulug’bek To’lanbayevich , Candidate Of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector For Youth Affairs Of Tashkent Institute Of Textile And Light Industry, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Abdulazizov Shokirjon Abdurashid O’g’li , Master Student, Course Of Study “Metrology Standardization And Quality Management Training”, Namangan Institute Of Engineering Technology, Namangan, Uzbekistan Hasanboyev Abdurasul Hasanboy O’g’li , Bachelor Student, Course Of Study “Metrology Standardization And Quality Management Training”, Namangan Institute Of Engineering Technology, Namangan, UzbekistanAbstract
This study, designed to design and predict the water-related properties of pili tissue, mainly analyzed the linear density, pili height, and density of pili properties using a mathematical model using a full-factor experimental method. The article developed a mathematical model of the water absorption and construction properties of piliy textiles and correlated them with the results of practical experiments.
Terry, water distribution radius, water permeability
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Copyright (c) 2021 Qosimov Axtam Akramovich , Abdullayev Ulug’bek To’lanbayevich, Abdulazizov Shokirjon Abdurashid O’g’li , Hasanboyev Abdurasul Hasanboy O’g’li

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