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Recorded Actual Of Khalji And Tughluq Era In Sanskrit Signature Of Madhya Pradesh And Gujarat

Dr.Jagruti Rathore , Department Of History, Barkatullah University, India


Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat contain various Sanskrit engravings of khalji and tughluq era. in the current paper an endeavour is made to gather verifiable proof from these engravings that falsehood dissipated either in distributed structure or in announced outlines in different diaries. these are organized in two gatherings: group i for those found in Madhya Pradesh, and group ii for gujarat. these epigraphic confirmations illuminate the historical backdrop of khalji and tughluq eraadding to the all around existing corpus of chronicled information.


Sanskrit signature, , khalji and tughluq era, madhya pradesh


sati pillar inscription of the saṁvat year 1362/1301-03. bhuwanishankar, d.r., a rundown of the engravings of northern india in brahmi and its derivative content from around 200 a.c. addendum to epigrapia indica, vols. 18-22 (from now on b.l.); epigraphia indica (hence e.i.). xvi,p.ii,fn.i; cunningham asr, ix, 48.

shanti devi was a candella ruler and replacement of bhojavarman. h.c. beam, dynastic history of india ii, (delhi 1972), p.738.

k.l. no. 664; e.l. xvi, p.ii, no.1.

yearly report of archeological department of gwalior state, 1993, no.3.

on the same page., 1928-31, no.34.

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Dr.Jagruti Rathore. (2021). Recorded Actual Of Khalji And Tughluq Era In Sanskrit Signature Of Madhya Pradesh And Gujarat. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 3(05), 91–93.