History Of Great Discoveries In Physics
Mahmudov Yusup G’anievich , Doctor Of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Of "General Physics" Termez State University, UzbekistanAbstract
History of great discoveries in physics french scientist AA Beckerel, german physicist VK Rentgen, english physicist, founder of nuclear physics, polish scientists E. Rutherford, french physicists Maria and Pierre Curie, german scientist G. Schmut, Russian chemist D.I. Mendeleev, english physicist and chemist F. Simple, romanian chemist and physicist G.Heveshi, austrian radiochemist and chemist F.Panet, english physicist J.D.Cockroft, Irish physicist E.T.S. Walton, the english physicist-experimenter J. Chedwick, is directly and indirectly associated with the names of the italian scientist E. Fermi.
Radioactivity, light, radioactive element, radiochemistry, model, theory, isotope, property, decay, experiment, field, ion, phenomenon, fact, structure, nucleus, transuron element
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