Negative Effect Of Harmful Chemical Waste On Plant Development
Riskulov Kh.A. , Associate Professor Of The Almalyk Branch Of The Tashkent State Technical University, Uzbekistan Adilov T.T. , Ph.D., Head Of The Department Of The Almalyk Branch Of The Tashkent State Technical University, Uzbekistan Uzokova Z.R. , Teacher Of Geography At Secondary School No. 32 Of The Piskent District, UzbekistanAbstract
At a high concentration of toxic gases in the air, the processes of photosynthesis stop immediately or after a few minutes. Excessive accumulation of heavy metals from the air and soil on the leaves and the retention of dust on the surface of the leaves sharply reduces the absorption of CO2 by plants, treatment with biologically active compounds accelerates biochemical reactions in plants, eliminating harmful substances.
Photosynthetic processes, chemical, photochemical, physicochemical reactions, phytotoxins,, improvement of the water regime, gibberillin, auxin
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