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The Role Of Forish In Tourism In Uzbekistan

Bakhtiyor Mirkomilov , Associate Professor, Candidate Of Historical Sciences, Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan
Sardor Raimov , Master, Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


The article focuses on tourism in Uzbekistan today, the role of Forish district, and the work being done in this direction. The nature, historical sites and tourist opportunities of Forish district will be discussed.


Tourism, recreation, ecotourism, promising projects, AydarkolLake, Mojurm fir, Khojabogbonota shrine, Khanbandi historical monument, home guests


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How to Cite

Bakhtiyor Mirkomilov, & Sardor Raimov. (2021). The Role Of Forish In Tourism In Uzbekistan. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 3(03), 45–49.