Research Of Physical And Mechanical Indicators Of Jensie And Knitted Fabrics Recommended For Children's Combined Outerwear
Ergashev Jamoliddin Samatovich , Professor, Department Of Construction Of Light Industrial Products And Technology Namangan Institute Of Engineering And Technology, Namangan, Uzbekistan Nazarova Matluba Abdurashid Qizi , Assistant, Department Of Construction Of Light Industrial Products And Technology Namangan Institute Of Engineering And Technology, Namangan, Uzbekistan Abduraufova Saodatjon Kodirjon Kizi , Master, Department Of Construction Of Light Industrial Products And Technology Namangan Institute Of Engineering And Technology, Namangan, UzbekistanAbstract
The article examines and analyzes the physical and mechanical properties of different proportions of jeans and knitted fabrics recommended for children's combined outerwear. It also offers the most alternative fabric patterns for children's outerwear.
Fabric, denim, knitting, air permeability, mass, tensile strength, elongation, breaking force, deformation, thickness, Lycra
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Copyright (c) 2021 Ergashev Jamoliddin Samatovich, Nazarova Matluba Abdurashid Qizi, Abduraufova Saodatjon Kodirjon Kizi

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