Synthesis Of High Silicon Zeolites From Kaolin And Bentonite
Fayzullaev Normurot Ibodullaevich , Doctor Of Technical Sciences, Professor Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan Mamadoliev Ikromjon Ilkhomidinovich , Assistant, The Department Of Medical Chemistry, Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan Pardaeva Sokhiba Bo’riyevna , Assistant, The Department Of Medical Chemistry Samarkand State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan Barakayeva Mexribonu Nasim Qizi , Samarkand State Medical Institute Farmatsiya 219-Group, UzbekistanAbstract
In this paper problems of chemical and physical activation of local raw materials caoline and bentonite, and textural characteristics of high silicon zeolites and surface morphology were studied. The effect of the activation method of caoline and bentonite on the colloidal and sorption capacity was also studied. During the studies, the heat of wetting, adsorption linked water content and effective relative surface area were determined. Calculated distribution of pores by cycles (loops) of isothermal hysteresis r ≈ 8.5 nm. The volume of porosity of the sorbent when the capillaries were filled with water was determined as Vn= 0.135 cm3/g.
Caoline, bentonite, surface area, sorption capacity, adsorption linked water, porosity, the heat of wetting, adsorption isotherm, aromatization, high silicon zeolite(HSZ),, mesoporous, montmorillonite
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Copyright (c) 2021 Fayzullaev Normurot Ibodullaevich, Mamadoliev Ikromjon Ilkhomidinovich, Pardaeva Sokhiba Bo’riyevna, Barakayeva Mexribonu Nasim Qizi

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