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Scientific And Theoretical Foundations Of The Concepts Of Tourism, Geography And Geographical Tourism

Askar Nigmatov , Doctor Of Geographical Science, Professor Of The Department Of Ecology And Geography, Gulistan State University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Odiljon Tobirov , Doctoral Student Of The Department Of Ecology And Geography, Gulistan State University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


In the article, the idea of forming a new direction in the tourism industry – geographic tourism is put forward on the basis of international experience, national practice and long-term research. It substantiates in detail the scientific and theoretical foundations of the concepts of tourism, tourist, geography and geographical tourism.


Tourism, complexity, geographic aspects, geography, geographic tourism, tourist


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How to Cite

Askar Nigmatov, & Odiljon Tobirov. (2021). Scientific And Theoretical Foundations Of The Concepts Of Tourism, Geography And Geographical Tourism. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 3(03), 1–10.