Nature And Methods Of Financial And Economic Evaluation Of Investment Projects
Ibodulla Ismatullayevich Soliyev , Candidate Of Economic Sciences, Head Of The Department Of Economics, Namangan State University, Uzbekistan Ilhom Ibroximovich Nurmatov , Master Of Namangan State University, UzbekistanAbstract
This article provides clear information on the nature of financial and economic evaluation of investment projects, and develops definitions by type of evaluation
Investment, project, valuation
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Сирожиддинов К., Тажибаев К. ҚИШЛОҚ ХЎЖАЛИГИ КИЧИК БИЗНЕС СУБЪЕКТЛАРИДА МАРКЕТИНГ ФАОЛИЯТИНИ ТАШКИЛ ЭТИШ //Scientific Bulletin of Namangan State University. – 2020. – Т. 2. – №. 3. – С. 242-248.
Cирожиддинов, К and Тажибаев, Комилжон (2020) "ҚИШЛОҚ ХЎЖАЛИГИ КИЧИК БИЗНЕС СУБЪЕКТЛАРИДА МАРКЕТИНГ ФАОЛИЯТИНИ ТАШКИЛ ЭТИШ," Scientific Bulletin of Namangan State University: Vol. 2 : Iss. 3 , Article 47.
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Сирожиддинов, К and Тажибаев, Комилжон (2020) "ҚИШЛОҚ ХЎЖАЛИГИ КИЧИК БИЗНЕС СУБЪЕКТЛАРИДА МАРКЕТИНГ ФАОЛИЯТИНИ ТАШКИЛ ЭТИШ," Scientific Bulletin of Namangan State University: Vol. 2 : Iss. 3 , Article 47.
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