Markus Doddy Simanjuntak , Mitra Husada STIKES, Indonesia Rattanaphol Mongkholrattanasit , Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon, ThailandAbstract
The aim of this research is to determine and explain the variables of product innovation strategy and marketing creativity influences the visitor's decision variable to stay at a hotel in Indonesia through the variable atmosphere or environmental conditions at the hotel . Pada In this research, the independent variable is related to the hotel industry's strategy in attracting visitors to stay overnight, through the independent variables, namely product innovation strategy and marketing creativity, while the dependent variable is the visitor's decision to stay at a hotel in Indonesia , and the moderating variable is the atmosphere or environmental conditions. at the hotel . The research method used in this research is a quantitative descriptive research method using path analysis . In this study, the independent variables are those related to the hotel industry's strategy in attracting visitors to stay overnight, such as product innovation and marketing creativity strategy variables, the dependent variable is the visitor's decision to stay at a hotel in Indonesia, banking , with the moderating variable the atmosphere or environmental conditions in hotels, data analysis using AMOS 19, and the data taken is data on the number of customers (visitors) who stayed at several hotels throughout Indonesia during 2019-2024. Partially , the product innovation strategy and marketing creativity variables have a significant effect on the decision variable to stay at hotels throughout Indonesia and the atmosphere or environmental conditions of the hotel , while simultaneously the product innovation strategy and marketing creativity variables indirectly have a significant effect on The decision variable to stay at hotels throughout Indonesia is through the variable atmosphere or environmental conditions of the hotel . Through the research results that have been presented, product innovation strategies and marketing creativity can be effective if the atmosphere or environmental conditions of the hotel can be comfortable and in accordance with what is being promoted by the marketing team, with a match between the services offered and environmental conditions that match the description. Hotel services or facilities offered by marketing will be able to increase the number of visits to hotels throughout Indonesia. With increasing visits, visitors will decide to continue visiting and using the services or facilities of the hotel.
Strategy, product innovation, creativity
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