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Effect Of Yarn Shortening On The Structure Of The Fabric

Аbdujabbarov Muslimbek Zoxidjon O’g’li , Namangan Institute Of Engineering And Technology, Namangan, Uzbekistan
Aliyeva Dildar Ganiyevna , Namangan Institute Of Engineering And Technology, Namangan, Uzbekistan
Karimov Raximjon Karimovich , Namangan Institute Of Engineering And Technology, Namangan, Uzbekistan


It is theoretically and experimentally established that the shrinkage and processing of threads in a towel sample based on various weaves affects its structure, length and width. The bulk of the sample is looped weave and edge and border pieces -plain weave, which fabric has a different degree of shrinkage of the main and the weft yarn, which increases the possibility of using yarns. It is also necessary to take into account the linear density of yarn, the density of fabrics, and their ratio.




Base, weft, weave


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Аbdujabbarov Muslimbek Zoxidjon O’g’li, Aliyeva Dildar Ganiyevna, & Karimov Raximjon Karimovich. (2021). Effect Of Yarn Shortening On The Structure Of The Fabric. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 3(05), 39–45.